Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO was delighted to be invited to represent our family business community as a guest of the Prime Minister at a business breakfast at 10 Downing Street to recognise the significant contributions that small businesses have made to the UK economy.
The event was held to coincide with Small Business Week 2024.
As Paul explains, "Family business is at the heart of everything that we do at Family Business United and it was a really proud moment for us as an organisation to be invited in recognition of the work we do to champion the sector each and every day. Family businesses are the engine room of the UK economy and deserve all the recognition they get as significant providers of jobs, creators of wealth, income generators, community supporters and tax payers."
"There were plenty of family businesses in the room and supporters of the small business sector, the energy and the buzz palpable and some good connections were made which will further help us amplify the family business voice."
"This was an event to champion small businesses but we also need to remember that family businesses are not all small, many are large businesses employing many thousands of people and have been around for generations. The collective family business voice is important and it was a pleasure to represent the family business sector and all of the small family businesses who are passionate, entrepreneurial and inspiration and deserve to be recognised for the work they do. It was great support them and to represent the vibrant family business community that is the very essence of what FBU is all about."
"Family business matters and as we move towards the festive period and a time that is so intrinsically linked with family, it was a proud family business moment in both my personal journey, and the recognition for the journey that FBU as an organisation has been on too."