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September 19, 2024 - National Family Business Day

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

Each year on the third Thursday in September the family business community across the UK comes together in celebration. The day was created by Family Business United to celebrate the significant contribution of family firms across the UK in terms of jobs provided, income created, wealth generated and all the charitable initiatives supported by family firms that make such a difference to communities the length and breadth of the country.

A significant amount of the day plays out on social media and Family Business United provides a full marketing campaign pack to those who want to join the campaign that includes social media tiles, customisable news release/blog copy, suggested social media post schedule and plenty of ideas to get involved in advance of the day, on the day itself and subsequently too.

2024 will see a bigger and broader campaign with more details available in due course but for now, whether you are a family business who wants to get involved or a professional advisory firm that wishes to promote their involvement in the sector, sign up in order to receive your campaign updates, templates and marketing pack.

Furthermore, the community is encouraged and supported in organising and promoting local events on the day itself and a national dinner takes place to conclude proceedings on the evening of National Family Business Day itself.

National Family Business Day 2023 was incredible and a wonderful way to celebrate the sector on the back of a couple of difficult and challenging years and we have more ideas and plans in place to make the event in 2024 even more special.

We look forward to your support and involvement in National Family Business Day 2024.

#GBFamilyBizDay will be back on September 19, 2024 and we hope that you are going to be a part of it!

As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO explains:

"Over the years the family business community has got behind National Family Business Day and truly embraced the opportunity to celebrate as one. The hashtag #GBFamilyBizDay has trended on social media platforms too. It is a pleasure to host this event annually and to shine the spotlight on a sector that does so much on a daily basis."

Members of FBU receive a complimentary campaign pack as part of their membership but if you are not a member you can still get involved by registering for your marketing campaign pack here