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Summer Fun For Children's Autism Support Group

A Glasgow support group for children with autism and additional support needs will be able to keep their charges occupied over the holidays after a £2,000 donation from Allied Vehicles Charitable Trust.

The AutisFun Group was set up in north Glasgow earlier this year by three parents to autistic/ASN children – Lyndsay Flemming, Amanda McNee and Cheryl Maxwell – to create an inclusive, safe space in the community for the youngsters, as well as their siblings.

They run support sessions every Friday which now cater for more than 50 children, who are all encouraged to socialise and try new experiences alongside other kids. The youngsters recently began venturing outside when the weather is decent and the Allied donation will help fund more trips, along with additional play equipment.

“We are absolutely delighted with this gesture, it means so much to us and our families,” said Cheryl.

“We have worked really hard, as normal everyday parents dealing with kids with ASN/ASD, we know and can feel how much this group was needed, hence why we decided to start up and help out other families in a similar position locally. We know how isolating and challenging life becomes and we are so grateful to now have built up a peer support network for the children, siblings, parents and carers and we too feel the benefit."

“Once again, we want to thank you, the board and everyone at Allied Vehicles for having faith and letting us be able to put on some extra trips and buy in some new equipment for everyone on board.”

Allied owner Gerry Facenna said: “The women who set up AutisFun have done a brilliant job with the children and families they work with and I’m sure they’ll do even more in the future."

“I’m delighted that we can help give the group something to keep all the youngsters occupied over the holidays.”

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