, pub-5163334352799848, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5163334352799848, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 People Make Family Business
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People are at the very heart of family businesses the world over and it was great to catch up with Charlie Harrison (Managing Director) and Michael Jeje (Slough Store General Manager) of Furniture Village to understand a little more about their culture and what it means to be part of the business too.

As part of our ongoing campaign to look at the culture of family firms and how the values of a family leading a business can be disseminated and embedded into the culture, it was great to gain an understanding of how the values are received by those on the 'shop floor.'

In this short piece, Michael explains what it means to him personally to work for Furniture Village, the values that are important and the culture that has been created as a result.

Clearly, as an award-winning family business Furniture Village is a great place to work and they have successfully embedded their core values into a large business that continues to grow but retain the important essence of being a family business too.
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