We are delighted to announce that Professor Panikkos Poutziouris has been inducted into the Family Business United ‘Family Business Hall of Fame,’ which recognises the exceptional contribution of individuals and their work in advancing the field of family business.
Professor Panikkos Poutziouris is Honorary Fellow at the Centre for Circular Economics – Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), where he also leads the Executive MBA Module – Enterprising Families and Family Offices and supports executive education and leadership programmes geared for private banks and their next generation owner-managed family business entrepreneurs.
He has been the Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business at UCLan Cyprus – serving as Dean of the School of Business and then as Rector – where he has launched the Centre for Entrepreneurial Development, Alliance & Research and has led a number of European Union funded projects with a focus on strategic growth and succession planning of family firms-SMEs.
He served for almost two decades on the Faculty of Alliance Manchester Business School where he has been instrumental in the development of the MBA in Entrepreneurship for KPMG managers and SME entrepreneurs; designed and delivered masters courses (including the Family Business Management Academy as an open – exchange MBA module) and a number executive development workshops on Family Business Continuity Planning, often in partnership with other stakeholders e.g. UNDP, Next Generation Foundation, HRDA Cyprus.
Professor Poutziouris has been leading initiatives in terms of curriculum development,- professional training, research, conferencing – publishing and engagement with stakeholders across frontiers. He is the [co]-author of the Family Business Index – London Stock Exchange and NatWest Bank / Manchester Business School Tax Index and published numerous chapters, policy reports, journal articles and monographs He led a number of journal special issues with a focus on family business entrepreneurship and co-edited the Elgar Handbook on Family Business Research (2014, 2017). His research and commentaries , especially “The UK Family Business PLC Economy” has been featured extensively by FT and other leading business press such as Sunday Times, BBC, Kathimerini, International Herald Tribune, Financial Mirror, Financial Mail etc..
Prof. Poutziouris is Fellow of the Family Firm Institute , founding Fellow and former President of IFERA (International Family Enterprise Research Academy); he has served on the advisory board of Institute for Family Business (UK) and as consultant to the European Commission and OECD on family business and entrepreneurship policy matters. As a research active faculty, he hosted research forums part of the 2000 London FBN World Conference, 2001 London FFI Global Conference, 2003 Lausanne FBN World Conference, 2009 IFERA Cyprus World Family Business Research Conference, Ifera@China 2010, etc. He has pioneered with the organisation of a series of Family Business Policy Forums involving experts representing FFI, FBN-I, European Family Business, IFERA, World Bank, OECD, European Commission. More recently, he chaired the organising committee for the 2021 London FFI Global Conference.
Prof. Poutziouris has been honoured with the 2011 FFI International Award in recognition for his contribution to the development of family business initiatives across the globe.
As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO of Family Business United adds, “Panikkos is well known within the field of family business for the work that he has done over many years which has undoubtedly helped to raise awareness of the importance of family firms the world over. He continues to be actively involved in the sector today. His immense support of the sector and his achievements to date mean that he truly deserves his place in the Family Business Hall of Fame.”
As Panikkos concludes, “I am very proud, honoured and grateful to have been recognized by the FBU team in the Family Business Hall of Fame, which features great academics, practitioners, and policy makers shaping the fascinating field of family business entrepreneurship. Let’s continue to work together to broaden our horizons and expand the frontiers of the owner-managed family business model as it evolves across socio-economic-legal-cultural and generational paradigms.”