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  • Swimmers Making A Splash With Top Changing Facilities

    A swimming school is celebrating after receiving vital shower and changing equipment - thanks to a £5,000 boost from JCB. Paddles Disability Swim School, based at South Moorlands Leisure Centre, in Allen Street Cheadle, supports more than 50 children and adults from across the country with severe physical needs, including cerebral palsy, to help them strengthen their muscles and enjoy time in the water. The swim school, which has a squad of six swimmers who regularly compete at the Special Olympics, has now become one of the only schools in the area with specialist changing facilities after fitting the new shower chair and changing bed to make it easier for swimmers to get ready. Darren Worthington, whose 14-year-old son Joseph has been swimming at the school for six years, said the new equipment makes such a difference in helping swimmers to get ready for their lesson. Travelling for nearly an hour each way from Macclesfield every Saturday for the half hour lesson, Darren said: “There is nothing like Paddles Swim School anywhere else locally and it is amazing to have the new changing facilities available to us. As a parent it just makes it so much easier to help Joseph get ready and to keep doing what he loves. The freedom of being in the water makes him so happy and without this equipment we just would really struggle to lift and support him as he gets older.” Paddles Disability Swim School was formed with the aim of providing safe and fun opportunities for young disabled people to access water activities. The club now supports children and adults from the age of four with regular recreational and competitive swimming opportunities. Many swimmers compete in regional, national and even Olympic swimming galas.

  • Inverclyde Business Provides Training For Local Young People

    A family-run Inverclyde business is hiring and training young people in the field of ground investigation, after the business owners accessed specialist advice from Business Gateway. A & I Geotechnical is supporting youths in the local community by providing them with training and qualifications in the field of geotechnical ground investigation, which the team are experts in. The team has practical experience on a variety of sites throughout the UK. A & I Geotechnical offer a full range of in-house geotechnical services including trial pitting, dynamic sampling, cable percussion, technician services, surveying, site supervision, reporting and project management. The business was founded in 2016 by Ross Cameron and is still led by Ross and supported by his wife Maria Cameron. At the heart of the business is family and their name is inspired by two of their children. A team that once consisted of just Ross now has six team members and is looking to grow further. Four of these team members are young professionals who they have trained, two of them being their sons. One of the company’s key goals is to provide jobs for young people and give them training in a field they may not have considered. This came from a lack of experienced people in the area, so Ross decided to begin hiring and training young people to teach them all about ground investigation, helping them work towards an NVQ in Land Drilling. The basic training for these members of staff takes two years, but Ross and Maria are keen to expand this and train them to do even more. Their two sons are further along in their training and so now get involved in the teaching of the less experienced members of the team. Though it is a small business, the team want to give back to the local area by sponsoring events and sports teams, using local suppliers where possible and only employing people in the Inverclyde area. When they approached Business Gateway, Ross and Maria met their adviser Mario Alonzi, who has been able to provide advice on growing their business and guidance on how to apply for funding from a range of sources. Through this support, the couple has received wage-subsidy grants from Inverclyde Council and has managed to secure a place on the Inverclyde Business Growth Programme. The programme allowed Maria to learn more about aspects like finance, net zero, strategy and growth mindset and provided great tips on how to improve workflow and performance. The couple received 1:1 business support from Mario, as well as being signposted to his wider network and given innovation support. Business Gateway also helped them to facilitate recruitment of new members of the team. Maria Cameron, Director of A & I Geotechnical said: “Mario has given us fantastic help and advice. With his support, we have managed to secure a grant for equipment that will help us expand the business and also secured a meeting with Scottish Enterprise." “Mario has been a great help in continuing to grow the business and provide us with invaluable support.” Mario Alonzi, Business Gateway adviser said: “ By helping Ross and Maria to grow their business and access funding, we have supported the hiring and training of people in the local community. I look forward to seeing how they continue to grow their business and give back to the area.”

  • Family Business Centenarian Charles Clinkard On Agility In Business

    Charles Clinkard is an established name in the retail industry, celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. And, like any successful business, it’s learnt to be adaptable. Here, Rachel Clinkard from Charles Clinkard shares her insight into business agility. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of constant change has become crucial for successful enterprises. Whether it's embracing technological advancements, acknowledging shifts in consumer behaviour, or coping with unforeseen market disruptions, businesses need to possess the agility to pivot swiftly and effectively. To get you thinking about your own business, here I’ll talk about the power of embracing change and give you three ways to stay ahead of the curve. Adapt To New Technology In an era dominated by digital transformation, businesses that fail to embrace technology risk falling behind. It’s important to think about relevant technology early on in your business journey and make strategic investments in digital infrastructure to cater to evolving consumer preferences. For example, by creating a user-friendly website and embracing multi-channel retailing, you can not only expand your reach but also enhance the overall customer experience. The smooth integration of online and offline channels allows customers to engage with your brand on their own terms, whether browsing products online or visiting a physical store. This omnichannel approach not only increases convenience for customers but can also help to bolster sales and brand loyalty. At Charles Clinkard, our commitment to digital marketing has been instrumental in driving brand visibility and customer engagement. By leveraging social media platforms, targeted advertising, and email campaigns, we’ve effectively reached out to diverse audiences and communicated the brand’s value in a crowded marketplace. Embracing technology isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about leveraging innovation to create meaningful connections with customers and drive sustainable growth. Keep Customers At The Forefront The retail landscape is extremely competitive, so customer-centricity is crucial for business success. Putting customers first contributes towards your resilience and longevity, and by recognising the diverse needs and preferences of your clientele, your company can continually evolve its offerings and services to deliver exceptional value. One notable initiative we’ve undertaken at Charles Clinkard is an investment in autism awareness training for staff. By equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to cater to individuals with autism, we’ve fostered an inclusive and supportive environment for all customers. Commitment to accessibility not only demonstrates empathy and social responsibility, but it’s also opened up new market opportunities and has strengthened our brand reputation. Personalised shopping experiences can set you apart in an age of mass production and fast fashion. From expert fitting services to tailored product recommendations, go above and beyond to cater to the unique needs of each customer. By prioritising individualised attention and genuine human connections, you can cultivate a loyal customer base that transcends transactional interactions. Navigate Market Disruptions In today’s volatile business environment, disruptions can upend even the most well-laid plans. A company’s ability to navigate turbulent waters with agility and resilience Is invaluable — whether it’s economic downturns, supply chain disruptions, or global pandemics, your business should have the capacity to adapt and innovate in response to adversity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, at Charles Clinkard we swiftly pivoted operations to accommodate changing circumstances while prioritising the safety and well-being of customers and employees. From implementing stringent hygiene measures in stores to enhancing online shopping capabilities, we demonstrated a nimble and proactive approach to crisis management. What’s more, by embracing digital solutions such as virtual fitting consultations and contactless payments, we not only mitigated the impact of the pandemic but also positioned the company for long-term success post-pandemic. So, when faced with a challenge, look for opportunities to improve your service with both benefits for now and in the future. The success stories of businesses like Charles Clinkard are evidence of the transformative power of business agility. By embracing technological innovation, prioritising customer-centricity, and responding adeptly to market disruptions, companies may not only survive but thrive.

  • Sustainable Family Business Legacy For Wellbeing

    The Global Family Business report from KPMG Private Enterprise and the STEP Project Global Consortium reveals how some successful business families adopt a future-centric view of legacy that binds generations together, creating dynamic legacies that adhere with tradition while simultaneously embracing innovation. The report, which launched at the Global Family Business Summit “The pathway to good: Sustaining family business legacy for wellbeing,” provided insights that reveal many business families are overcoming the ‘legacy paradox’ — the trade-off between being a source of identity and inspiration versus a liability if so entrenched in tradition it stands in the way of innovation and change. The report from KPMG Private Enterprise and the STEP Project Global Consortium brings together personal insights from the experiences of top family business leaders combined with data on the impact of family legacies on their business performance gathered from 2,683 family businesses across 80 countries, territories, and regions. The survey data, which uses both qualitative and quantitative research, revealed that of the 45 percent that reported strong legacies, the same cohort also reported strong business performance, and an even higher 53 percent reported high sustainability scores — a powerful combination for the success of the business and the family today and for generations to come, and a reminder that legacy alone may be insufficient. The annual report reinforces the importance of transgenerational entrepreneurship as a key driver of sustained performance in family businesses, with legacy alone insufficient to guarantee long-term progress from generation to generation. The report advocates that legacy is a process, not a final outcome, with the source of legacy originating from many different factors. Legacies are often amplified by transgenerational entrepreneurship among younger generations who compel their predecessors to communicate openly about what matters to them and to reinforce their business legacies and bridge what can sometimes appear as a generational divide. The report takes a closer look at the true essence of legacy in today’s world and provides a ‘future-centric’ perspective where tradition and innovation co-exist and considers where change must be embraced for the business to remain resilient, competitive, and relevant. The report confirms that legacy may need to focus less on the past and be treated instead as a crucial building block for the future because of the positive contribution it makes to business performance and environmental, social, employee and supplier sustainability. Andrea Calabrò, STEP Project Global Consortium Academic Director, and Director, IPAG Chair for Sustainable Family Business & Entrepreneurship, IPAG Business School, says: “Not only does legacy connect generations and ensure the continuity and heritage of entrepreneurial success, but it also shapes the long-term vision of the family’s business and guides their strategic choices." "But in today’s environment, it is presenting new challenges to family business leaders who find it necessary to learn how to blend traditional values with modern business strategies to build a dynamic legacy with future generations in mind.” Differing perspectives and priorities can shape how different generations perceive the importance of their legacy and the strategies they employ to build and sustain it. These generational differences can also enrich the family business’s legacy by incorporating diverse perspectives and approaches that reflect the evolving dynamics of the business and of broader society. The participants attending the “The pathway to good: Sustaining family business legacy for wellbeing” Global Summit were among the first in the world to receive the report, representing leading family business practitioners, scholars and PhD students with nationalities from Asia, the Middle East, the European Union, Eastern Europe, the UK, and North and South America. With ‘social legacy’ heralded as the strongest legacy component from our research findings, the message was clear and served as an undeniable call to action for family businesses to harness their natural instincts to generate ‘sustained performance’ and develop a ‘dynamic legacy.’ The report emphasises how important it is for family businesses to embrace their legacy, as it may be key to future successes: share the essence of your legacy with the family and executive team, and finally, give the family business’s subsequent generation the freedom to create their own legacy. Robyn Langsford, Global Leader, KPMG Private Enterprise Family Business, KPMG International, and Partner in Charge, Family Business & Private Clients, KPMG Australia, says: “Differing perspectives and priorities can shape how different generations perceive the importance of their legacy and the strategies they employ to build and sustain it. These generational differences can also enrich the family business’s legacy by incorporating diverse perspectives and approaches that reflect the evolving dynamics of the business and broader society." "And with the increased focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities across the world, younger generations will likely be more concerned with the social and entrepreneurial legacies of their family businesses versus older generations who may continue to place more value on material legacies and the family bloodline. History doesn’t necessarily repeat, but it rhymes. It is imperative for founders to establish the ‘beat’ for subsequent generations to follow.” The study indicates that while regional similarities exist, data points vary across regions due to the influence of transgenerational entrepreneurship. This supports the notion that legacy alone will likely not suffice — legacies should become dynamic to help maximize business outcomes. Read the full report here:

  • Baked Earth Bakery Launches Naan Bites Into Asda

    Baked Earth Bakery has launched its authentic garlic and coriander naan bites into supermarket chain Asda. The packs of 20 naan bites are available at 241 Asda stores nationwide in the bakery section. Dan Butt, MD of Nottingham-based Baked Earth Bakery, said: “We are excited to see our Baked Earth Bakery garlic and coriander naan bites on the bakery shelves in Asda. We believe we are the first to market with these delicious and versatile naan bites, which are mini versions of our popular naan breads." “As a family, we’ve been making naans for over 50 years and this collaboration with Asda means that their customers can now buy our authentic Baked Earth Bakery naan breads for their own families to enjoy.” The garlic and coriander naans can be used for dipping, topping, as a side or served in a big bowl for sharing. Suitable for vegans, they take two to three minutes to cook in an oven or one to two minutes under the grill. They are also suitable for home freezing. The Butt family is a fourth generation family that has been baking authentic naans and flatbreads since the early 1970s – originally from a small restaurant which was Nottingham’s first curry house and since 1990 from a purposely designed factory, using bespoke ovens that replicate a Tandoor that were developed by the family. The company has grown to become a leading producer of naans and flatbreads, supplying to the retail and food service sectors.

  • Savouring Tradition: Exploring The Delights Of Carrs Pasties

    In the heart of Bolton, amidst its bustling streets and vibrant culture, lies a culinary gem cherished by locals and visitors alike: Carrs Pasties. Since 1938, Carrs has been synonymous with the epitome of traditional British comfort food, serving up delectable pasties that tantalise taste buds and warm the soul. Paul Andrews spoke to Joe Carr to find out more. Carrs Pasties has stood the test of time, rooted in a rich heritage dating back to when Grandma Nell made the first meat and potato pasties from a general store on Halliwell Road, a shop that still stands today and remains one of the retail outlets of the business. As Joe explains, “With six children to feed, Grandma made the pasties at home to feed the family and any spare were offered to friends and a brand was born. The shop was close to a number of light industrial mills; it wasn’t long before the workers were aware that the pasties were available, and a queue would form around the block to buy them. Uncle Bernard took on the role of baker and began to build the business that we know today – and when the time was right, invited the siblings to join and help build the business.” “Four of the six siblings, David, Veronica, Benard and my dad John worked together to build Carrs and set us on the journey that continues today,” continues Joe. Since then, the establishment has become a beloved institution, celebrated for its commitment to quality ingredients and time-honoured recipes passed down through generations. Today at Carrs, the pasty-making process is based as much as possible on Grandma Nell’s recipe. Keeping the ingredient list simple, making small batches and cooking from scratch every morning. Each pasty boasts a flaky, golden crust that gives way to a flavourful filling bursting with savoury delights. The production process is unique in that each pasty is filled with a hot filling straight from the pan before being blast chilled and frozen - which helps to lock in the flavour. From the classic cheese and onion to the indulgent steak pasty, Carrs offers a diverse array of fillings to suit every palate. But it's not just the pasties that keep patrons coming back for more; it's the sense of community and tradition that permeates every bite. Step inside Carrs HQ, and you're greeted with the comforting aroma of freshly baked pasties mingling with laughter and lively conversation. Here, locals gather to share stories, catch up on gossip, and indulge in a taste of nostalgia. This is a business steeped in community and doing business the right way. Family values are at the core and there is a long-standing, loyal workforce, many of the team having been with them for over 30 years, and a real sense of purpose, to continue to bake pasties that are filled with pride. “Our people are part of who we are,” continues Joe, “and help us deliver quality products each and every day. Our local workforce embodies everything we stand for, with Bolton front and centre, and our team are on the journey with us and help us continue to develop and grow too.” Beyond its charming ambiance and mouthwatering fare, Carrs Pasties remains deeply ingrained in the fabric of Bolton's history. As one of the town's oldest businesses, it has witnessed the ebb and flow of time, serving as a steadfast symbol of resilience and endurance. Running a business is not easy and to stand the test of time is testament to the passion, pride and determination of a family that has been totally committed to what they do and the community they serve, now owned and run by the third-generation siblings, Matt, Joe, and Liam. As Joe explains, “Dad simply asked us if we wanted to get involved and began the conversations around succession and made it relatively easy for us. As siblings, we have very different skills that are complimentary. We get on well and always manage to unanimously agree on the direction we want to follow." "Matt focusses on strategy, constantly bringing new ideas for growth to challenge us and help drive the growth agenda. Liam is the creative force and the real heart and soul of what we do, and I enjoy being in the detail, leading on managing the company with a focus on operations finance. We have created a path that really works for us, and it is based on alignment of values, purpose, and a plan for the future.” The future is promising too as they are currently investing in the development of the bakery to increase capacity and maximise productivity and operational efficiency. As Joe continues, “We have a fantastic range of products, and our brand is well known in and around Bolton and we are now looking to build that further afield." "The investment in the bakery will certainly help with the plans and we are considering lots of ways to grow throughout the UK, and building on the part of the business that delivers our pasties to the door with next day delivery anywhere in the UK.” The essence of ‘delivering a feeling of warmth, community and pride’ is not new to Carrs. As Joe explains, “We launched the service after discussions and the result of a lady from South Wales who regularly paid for a taxi to Bolton to buy as many pasties as she could fit in the boot before returning home. We knew that there was demand and so launched the delivery service, something that is continuing to grow.” Family values permeate the business and are embedded into the culture, something that takes time, but the brothers have worked hard to determine them, and they truly reflect the essence and authenticity of what Carrs are all about. “We took the creation of the values really seriously and engaged fully with the staff in their creation and they now shape us, the way we work and all that we do,” continues Joe. The values at the heart of Carrs are: We go above and beyond and will always do the right thing. We have warmth for, and pride in our communities. We want everyone to feel equal and they belong here. We are driven, dedicated to our roles and fearless. We will grow together as a business and strive for improvement in everything we do. Community and a sense of place is deeply embedded into the culture of Carrs, something that the business continues as a matter of course, but part of the legacy of the second generations leaders Bernard, David, Veronica, and John - father of Matt, Joe, and Liam. Joe told me that “Dad was an incredible individual who – with his siblings - went above and beyond to support the people of Bolton, always doing a good deed or helping someone out. He was driven by a desire to help others." "When he passed away, we had no option but to have his funeral at the large Parish Church in the centre of Bolton which was overflowing with people paying their respects." "The outpouring of support meant so much to us and was a reflection of who Dad was as a man – the vicar told us the church had rarely seen such engagement before and was reminiscent of the funerals of the England footballer Nat Lofthouse and TV personality Fred Dibnah.” The Carrs legacy continues apace: you only have to stand outside one of their four stores to see the demand for their products, from all corners of the community. Legacy and heritage are important to this business that produces around 18,000 pasties a day, but they are also aware of the need to focus on the future. “For us, the future is important, and we want to continue to deliver quality pasties to a growing customer base. For us it’s simple, all we want to do is continue to provide delicious, freshly baked products and exceptional customer service, every day,” concludes Joe. In an ever-changing world, Carrs Pasties stands as a beacon of tradition, reminding us of the simple pleasures found in good food and good company and yet also is facing the future with confidence, pursuing a national strategy. So, whether you're a seasoned local or a curious traveller passing through, a visit to Carrs Pasties is more than just a culinary experience—it's a celebration of heritage, and a taste of Bolton's enduring spirit. Carrs Pasties are on an exciting journey, and it will be fascinating to watch them continue to evolve. Visit their website here to find out more.

  • Bagnalls Signs Up To Sustainabler

    Bagnalls is the latest family business signing up to the Sustainable Charter and pledging their commitment to making a different to the planet. Family businesses intrinsically do, or want to do the right thing, acting as agents of change and taking responsibility for their actions. They care and with a shared purpose take long-term decisions and act as stewards for next generations. They want to do the right thing, creating sustainable businesses and recognise the urgency associated with the need to care for the world in which they live too. As Paul Andrews, Founder of Sustainabler and global champion of family businesses explains: “We are delighted to welcome Bagnalls to Sustainabler. As a responsible family business they are taking plenty of steps on their sustainability journey and we are delighted that they have signed up to our sustainability pledge.” “Sustainabler has been created with a simple purpose in mind, to provide a comprehensive resource centre that will enable family businesses of all sizes to source information, knowledge and practical examples of sustainability in practice and to help everyone make sustainability manageable, measurable and meaningful and we really do welcome the support and commitment that Bagnalls have made in this regard.” Each family business that signs up to the charter agrees to further their sustainability journey by committing: To continuing on their journey to become a net zero business To reduce their energy consumption To minimise waste within their organisation To encourage the reduction of consumption of materials and reuse and recycling of as many resources as possible To reduce water consumption To consider the use of renewable energy resources To measure and reduce their overall impact on the environment To encourage and support their people to become better ‘citizens of the planet’ To support the broader communities in which they operate To be active participants in the sustainabler community as agents of change To share and report back on their endeavours and the impact that these have on their business To continue to build an approach to sustainability to look at their underlying purpose in terms of profit, people and planet The Sustainabler Charter sets to encourage more family businesses to proactively communicate and share their activities and their impact with the wider community, amplifying the impact of family firms as agents of change and sharing resources and ideas that will help other family businesses too. As Paul continues, “We created Sustainabler in response to being asked for resources and insights to help family businesses on their journey and have been delighted with the response to date. The community continues to build and it is great to see the family business mark of sustainability being embraced by great family businesses across the UK.” “Bagnalls is a long standing, multi-generational family business that have been delivering expert commercial and industrial painting and decorating projects across the UK since 1875 and are a responsible business, putting people and the planet at the heart of what they do and we are delighted to welcome them to our Sustainabler community.” Ben Featherstone, Sustainability Co-Ordinator at Bagnalls adds: "We're really excited to be a part of Sustainabler. Bagnalls is committed to using green and sustainable practices wherever possible and we are always looking for new, innovative ways to ensure we're protecting our planet." "Our painters and decorators are already using environmentally friendly Graphenstone paint across various projects, which works to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere as it dries." "We are also proud members of The Painting and Decorating Association's Paint Green scheme, which helps us recycle and cut down on waste." "We can't wait to further our green efforts with Sustainabler and help us protect our planet for the next generation of family businesses." Family businesses signing up to Sustainabler become part of a community that has sustainability matters at the core, are able to make full use of the badge on collateral and gain invitations to events that are shaped around the ongoing sustainability agenda. Find out more about Sustainabler at

  • Business Gateway Supports Electricians

    A family-owned electrician business in Lanarkshire has been modernised after the new owners accessed specialist advice from Business Gateway. T.R. Aitchison is an electrical contractor with over 60 years of experience in the electrical industry. They specialise in reactive and planned electrical maintenance work and electrical testing for both domestic and commercial clients. Husband and wife Frank and Heather Rooney took over ownership of T.R. Aitchison in July 2023 after Frank had been employed by them for 22 years. The business includes an apprentice electrician, Ewan, who has been with them for over three years. Ewan reached the semi-finals of the Screwfix Trade Apprentice 2024, which had over 1,800 entrants. Dog Zeus is their mascot in the window as an unofficial team member and is well-known in the community. The team expanded in April with a new hire of an electrician to meet demand. The business was outdated from the showroom to the technology they used, and even with some services. For this reason, Frank and Heather contacted Business Gateway for support in modernising the business. Through Business Gateway, they met adviser Mark Wright, who provided 1:1 guidance and tailored business support, as well as introducing them to other experts who could help them. Mark also signposted them to information regarding employment law and apprentice support. As a result of Mark introducing T.R. Aitchison to experts, Frank and Heather received two days of marketing consultancy from an expert, and five days of specialist procurement consultancy. The procurement consultancy was instrumental in helping the business to secure contracts with key contacts in the housing maintenance sector. Thanks to the procurement consultancy, T.R. Aitchison has been able to create a basic tender library to use for public sector work. This has helped them secure a recent key contract. The marketing consultancy support allowed for a website review and update, with the appearance and functionality creating a better user experience to improve visibility and reputation. SEO was improved as a result also. A social media review gave T.R. Aitchison recommendations on ways to improve their presence on social media as well as the quality of their output. Heather Rooney, Operations Manager at T.R. Aitchison said: “When Frank and I took over running T.R. Aitchison, we knew we needed support to get the business into a better place to future-proof it. The support we’ve had from Business Gateway has been invaluable and has got us into a great place in a relatively short space of time. The business wouldn’t have survived without major updates, which is where Business Gateway came in." “We are so grateful for Mark’s help and guidance and can’t thank the Business Gateway team enough for all the support they have given us.” Mark Wright, Business Gateway adviser said: “When Frank and Heather came to Business Gateway for support, we were able to help them modernise the business and bring it into the 21st century. It’s great to see how much the team has been able to help them since July and we look forward to continuing to see them grow.”

  • Parliamentary Showcase For Croots Farm Shop Products

    Croots Farm Shop products went down a storm at the Houses of Parliament when they were showcased at the bi-annual Derbyshire Food and Drinks Fair ’A Taste of Derbyshire’ hosted by Derbyshire MPs. Croots took along some of its award-winning homemade products including pork pie, sausage roll, lemon drizzle cake, and Bakewell tart, plus a number of beers specially brewed for Croots. The farm shop sent a team to the event, which was held in the Jubilee Room at the Palace of Westminster, after being invited to attend by Pauline Latham, Conservative MP for Mid-Derbyshire. They also met Conservative MP for Derbyshire Dales, Sarah Dines, whose constituency borders Croots. Kay Croot, who owns and runs the farm shop at Farnah House Farm, in Wirksworth Road, near Duffield, said: “The Taste of Derbyshire event at the Houses of Parliament was a great opportunity for us to showcase some of our award-winning products to MPs." “It was also an excellent experience to visit such an historic and important place. We had super feedback and, as keen ambassadors of Derbyshire and the food produced in the county, we were proud to have had the chance to be part of the fair.” Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords visited the event, including Minister of State for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business Kevin Hollinrake, who talked to Kay about her experience of running a small business. “It was a good opportunity to share with him the challenges facing small businesses, such as huge energy bills, which have risen so much in recent times,” added Kay. Croots was launched in 2008 on the farm run by Kay’s parents and is one of Derbyshire’s most popular farm shops, with a stack of awards under its belt both for the shop and its homemade products. Croots Farm Shop specialises in selling food and drink made by local producers in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, and other nearby counties. It features products from more than 40 suppliers within a 50-mile radius – supporting many other family run businesses - and also sells a wide and expanding range of home-produced items made by the Croots team in-house. The store offers an extensive selection of food, drink, meat, cheeses and deli items, along with gift ideas, wines and spirits. Croots Farm Shop is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays. The café is open Monday to Saturday 9am to 4pm and 10am to 3pm on Sundays.

  • Luxury Hotel's Significant Energy Cost Reduction

    Luxury Cotswolds hotel Tewkesbury Park has secured a £500,000 investment from Lombard for upgrading its plant room to include combined heat and power (CHP) in a move which the resort estimates will save it £100,000 per year in energy costs. This highly efficient process captures the heat created by electricity generation to meet its water and space heating requirements. Tewkesbury Park is a family-owned, luxury hotel resort and 18-hole golf course situated on the site of the 1471 Battle of Tewkesbury. The hotel hosts premium stays, golf and tennis trips, weddings and conferences, and also has an onsite spa and fitness centre. The business, which employs 134 people, is run by Linda McIntosh, with her son Chris McIntosh and daughter Claire White. They estimate that the use of combined heat and power will save 200 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per year. Chris McIntosh, Managing Director at Tewkesbury Park Limited, said: “We are passionate about making our hotel more sustainable and setting a positive example that others in the hotel industry can follow. This investment from Lombard has allowed us to take a big step forward in this regard." “Due to space and listed building constraints, we were unable to install solar panels – but Lombard helped us find a solution that will allow us reduce our emissions and make huge costs savings, while increasing our security of supply with a system powered by LPG that can run even if the grid does not.” Jason Holness, Senior Relationship Manager at Lombard, said: “It was fantastic to work with the McIntosh family on this deal and help them to take a big step towards their sustainability goals, with the added benefit of saving them a lot of money in the long run." "One of our business aims is to provide financing options that encourage and empower businesses to improve their sustainability, and the Tewkesbury Park team embodies exactly what we’re trying to achieve.” The family discovered the neglected hotel in 2014 and, seeing its potential, purchased and refurbished it over a four-year period, adding a new events venue and bedrooms in the main house. For further assistance with their climate action plan, Tewkesbury Park has registered with NatWest’s Carbon Planner, a free tool providing businesses with tailored solutions to reduce their operational emissions. Commercial Director Claire is putting her luxury hotel experience to good use on new ITV game show The Fortune Hotel. Claire and husband Dan are competing for a £250,000 cash prize.

  • Established Logistics Business Marks Major Milestone

    Denholm Logistics Group recently marked a leadership milestone, with the appointment of Alan Platt as Managing Director, following the retirement of his predecessor, Niall Denholm. Denholm Logistics Group is a division of family-owned diversified business, the Denholm Group. Its subsidiaries are well-established in the logistics and port services sectors, providing freight forwarding, warehousing and transportation solutions, the short-sea shipping of timber products, and the port agency of a range of vessels in the UK and the island of Ireland. Niall Denholm served 12 successful years at the helm of Denholm Logistics Group, leading the division through several acquisitions and major capital projects, while always placing employees and their safety at the heart of his management philosophy. Alan Platt joined Denholm as part of the acquisition of Good Logistics in August 2021, where he led the business. As Divisional Managing Director of Denholm Good Logistics, he spearheaded the integration of two separate businesses – Good Logistics and Denholm Global Logistics – into one combined organisation. Ben MacLehose, CEO of parent company J. & J. Denholm, said, “As Managing Director of Denholm Logistics Group, Niall Denholm has grown and developed the division tremendously. He has also been an ardent supporter of enabling employees to progress their careers, from entry-level roles to company directors. I wish Niall a happy and productive retirement.” Ben continues, “I look forward to working with Alan in his new role as Managing Director. I have no doubt that Denholm Logistics Group will continue to flourish with Alan at its helm. As a seasoned leader in logistics, Alan has a successful track record of seeking growth opportunities for the businesses he leads and the people within them.” Niall Denholm retired as Managing Director of Denholm Logistics Group on 3rd May 2024. Alan Platt was appointed Denholm Logistics Group Managing Director on 4th May 2024.

  • Croots Farm Shop Hosts Spring And Summer Events

    Popular Derbyshire farm shop Croots is once again taking part in Open Farm Sunday, giving visitors the chance to find out more about life on the farm. Being held on Sunday 9th June between 11am and 3.30pm and with free admission, it’s just one of a string of events that have been organised at the farm shop near Duffield over the next few months. The list includes Paws in the Paddock on 14th July, a fun dog event featuring classes, activities and stalls. A percentage of the profits will be donated to Angels Small Paws Dog Rescue. It also features a jewellery and watch valuation day by Hansons Auctioneers and Valuers (Derby) held 2pm-4pm on Wednesday 22nd May and a Pork Butchery Evening running 6pm-8pm on Thursday 23rd May. Kay Croot, who runs Croots Farm Shop in Wirksworth Road, said: “We have taken part in Open Farm Sunday for many years now and are looking forward to once again welcoming visitors to Farnah House Farm." “It’s a great day out for all the family and will include blacksmithing and sheep shearing displays, a self-guided farm walk and trail, meet the farmer, a static farm machinery display, Shire horse dray rides, a small animal petting area, competitions and more." “Open Farm Sunday is a national event managed by LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming), which began in 2006, and is a celebration of British farming. It gives visitors the chance to learn more about farming and the countryside, and farmers the chance to talk about British food and farming." “There’s lots of information on our website about all our events this spring and summer, which hopefully have something of interest to all. The events that we have held so far have been a great success, and our bushcraft sessions run by Robin of Shire Bushcraft have been so popular that they completely sold out.” Information about all events are on the Croots visit the website.

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