Uttoxexter Juniors Football Club Under 8s squad are proudly taking to the pitch in new strips this season thanks to support from JCB.
The Rocester-based company made a £500 donation to help Uttoxeter Rams with new kit and end of season trophies for the youngsters.
The team, who play each Saturday in the Burton Junior Football League, unveiled the kit at Uttoxeter Leisure Centre where they train on Tuesday evenings.
Andrew Sims, Maintenance and Site Services Lead Administrator at JCB World Headquarters is the team’s manager, with son Callum playing in the squad. He said:
“Uttoxeter Juniors has a long-standing relationship with JCB and we are very grateful for their kind sponsorship once again."
"We have always been incredibly proud to have such a globally recognised brand on the front of our shirts; it is a logo that is instantly recognised wherever we travel and the lads wear their new kit with pride. The team has started the season very strongly and we aim to build on our early success and continue to develop as a team both on and off the pitch.”