, pub-5163334352799848, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5163334352799848, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Purpose & Values In Family Firms
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Paul Andrews was joined by Bev Mitchell from Beverley Mitchell Consulting to talk about the powerful and positive impact that purpose and values in family businesses and how they can be a clear differentiator when fully embedded into the culture of the organisation.

Check out the session and see how to start defining your values, the role of leaders in creating the environment for the culture to evolve and be embedded in the family business DNA and identify ways that the culture, purpose and values can be a means of competitive advantage, help develop better relationships with stakeholders and ultimately help to recruit members of Generation Z into the workplace.

As Bev quite simply sums it up, "Culture is quite simply the way that we do things around here and purpose and values should be the very essence of your family business DNA."

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