Family Business United are delighted to launch a new podcast for the family business community called LEGACY. Founder and CEO of Family Business United has teamed up with Sam Greaves, fourth generation Managing Director of Cleenol Group, to provide a platform for family business leaders to share this stories, the ups and downs of their journeys and to provide inspiration to others.
As Paul explains, "We have been working on the first series of the podcast for a while and are delighted with the way the series has come together. We have interviewed some inspirational individuals who have shared their insights on all manner of topics including imposter syndrome, succession planning, stepping in at a time of crisis, the importance of wellbeing, legacy, plans for the future and a whole lot more besides."
"There really are some incredible experiences that will resonate with other family business leaders who may well have been through or are experiencing similar challenges too."
As Sam adds, "As a family business leader myself I love hearing the experiences of others as it helps me to put into perspective my journey too. Each and every guest has shared some great insights with us and it has been a pleasure interviewing them all. The first series includes a wide range of individuals from diverse sectors and backgrounds but it is really interesting to me how some of the challenges transcend generations and sectors."
As Sam adds, "Family businesses are so important to the national economy and make such a difference each and every day but it can be lonely at the top."
"This podcast is all about the experience, making others aware of ways to address challenges and if nothing more, to share the fact that others may have the same thoughts and feelings as you are experiencing, and hopefully providing insights that may start a conversation too."
The first episode features Bernie Matthews, Managing Director of Matthews Cotswold Flour, the eight generation to take the helm of a business that has been operating for over 200 years.
As Bertie explains, "I joined at a pivotal moment for our family firm and joined a fight for survival, transforming the business into the operation it is today."
"The journey was not easy but with a plan, motivation and desire to succeed, we are now set on a journey that will hopefully see the business continue for generations to come."
LEGACY - The Family Business Podcast is available on numerous platforms including Spotify, Apple, Anchor and You Tube and can be watched or listened to on your platform of choice.
Find out more here
Further episodes will be shared in due course so do subscribe and follow the podcast so as not to miss future issues.
As Paul concludes, "We are really excited about the journey that we are on with the podcast and would love to hear from anyone else working in a family business with a story to share."
"It is all about the people that make family businesses what they are today and we really hope that LEGACY, The Family Business Podcast hits the mark."