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JCB Dancing Diggers Make Debut With Team GB Ballroom Dancers

As the nation prepares itself for Strictly Come Dancing fever, two internationally renowned dancing duos have teamed up for a unique ballroom routine on the most unlikely of dancefloors.

Two fleet-footed backhoe loaders from the legendary JCB Dancing Diggers were joined for a spin in the glitterball limelight by teenage Team GB ballroom dancers Kaynan Barfoot and Polly Welford at the company’s quarry in Staffordshire.

The new one-off dancing partnership was carefully choreographed to celebrate the next career quicksteps to success for Kaynan, 14 of Blythe, near Uttoxeter, and Polly, 15, of Cheadle, Staffordshire.

The Staffordshire-based digger giant has pledged £1,500 sponsorship for the UK Under 14 Ballroom and Latin American champions to enable them to compete at Under 16 level in the World Dutch Open Championships in Assen, The Netherlands in November.

Fresh from a summer which has seen the pair competing at the world-famous Blackpool Tower Ballroom, and winning the English Gala Junior Ballroom championships in Bicester, Kaynan and Polly are training up to 20 hours a week in the run up to the Assen championships.

Kaynan and Polly have been dancing together since they were just seven-years-old and their ambition is to be world champions. They both work so hard and are incredibly grateful to JCB for this support – without their sponsorship they simply wouldn’t be able to compete in Assen.

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