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Coaching Course

Coaching Course

Working on your own gives little opportunity to reflect with others on what you learn from your workplace, and sometimes you need more than your own experience. Reflection on your personal and professional experiences creates learning which can be applied to improve your performance.

Who is this course for?

Whether you are a new manager or a junior, middle or senior manager, you can work virtually with a qualified and experienced QuoLux™ coach either individually in one-to-one coaching or as part of a small support group, called Action Learning.

A series of formalised coaching sessions are agreed over six months with the aim to improve your performance as a leader, in other words, helping you to learn.

Number of Sessions: 6

Duration: 6 Months / 12 Hours

Cost: £4,200 + VAT For All 6 Sessions (One-Time Course Payment)

Certificate Available Upon Completion

The course comprises of 6 sessions with qualified professional coaches who understand the family business sector.

Session 1: Introductory session: in the first session we will introduce you to coaching, help you to identify your goals and agree a development plan.

Sessions 2-5: Review progress on your development plan and agree further actions.

Session 6: Reflect on your progress and identify goals to support your ongoing development.

“This training programme is being run on behalf of Family Business United by QuoLux™, a family business themselves and a certified B Corporation.”


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